
  文件名稱(chēng):  Comparative Analysis of DC magnetic Measurement by Different Magnetic Instruments
  公司名稱(chēng):  河南華鳴儀器設(shè)備有限公司
  下載次數(shù):   942
  This paper reports an interlaboratory study on two typical DC magnetic test methods, ballistic and scanning test method, respectively. By measuring 10 different kinds of soft magnetic materials using five computerized DC hysteresis graphs,discrepancies of the result is witnessed. Phase shift also exists in DC magnetic test, which causes significant error in themeasured static hysteresis loss. But different from the AC magnetic test, the phase drift is caused by drift of flux meter, whichcan’t be eliminated by post-measurement adjustment routine in the commercial magnetic instrument. By analyzing intrinsic
deficiency of scanning test method, which is adopted by most instrument manufacturers, ballistic test method could be apromising method for DC magnetic measurement. 
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